CD: Music of Eric Thiman
In 2016 a CD was made under the auspices of the Collection, featuring some of Thiman's best anthems, partsongs and organ music.
Dorothy Webster Thomas (professional soprano in Thiman’s choir at the City Temple, and close friend of the his) writes:
The CD of Eric’s music is beautiful. May I congratulate you and everyone connected with the production of it. The choir sings beautifully, with expressive words….I loved it all….I will write to the children’s choir conductor too. Eric would have loved their singing….I am sure people hearing the CD will love Eric’s music’.
The CDs are available at a cost of £12.50 each, plus £1.50 post and packing
You can order a copy of the CD as follows:
Email your order to Guy Turner at and pay by bank transfer to Southwell Minster Choirs Association 60-20-15 68034652
Or post your order, and a cheque made out to ‘Southwell Minster Choirs Association’, with ‘Eric Thiman Collection’ written on the back, to Guy Turner, 11 The Old Silk Mill, Maythorne, Southwell, Notts NG25 0RS
Or buy the CD at Southwell Minster's online shop

To read more about the making of this CD, read Newsletter No 4.
1. Morning Hymn (Three Choral Songs of Praise, No 1)
2. I praised the earth (Three Choral Songs of Praise, No 2)
3. A Morning Prayer
4. Who would true valour see
5. Scherzetto for Flutes (Organ)
6. There is a stream
7. Fight the good fight
8. Lord, think on me
9. March for a Pageant (Organ)
10. Seek ye the Lord
11. Let Thy merciful ears, O Lord
12. Te Deum in D flat
13. The man in the moon
14. Evening in the birchpath
15. Away to Rio
16. The path to the moon
17. She walks in beauty
18. The Swans
19. Madonna and Child
20. I wandered lonely as a cloud
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