Thank you for interest in discovering more about giving your time, experience, and wisdom to support Southwell Minster and its future. This is an exciting and important moment for the Cathedral as we refresh and strengthen our governance under the newly implemented Cathedrals Measure. We are looking for people who are passionate about the many openings our much-loved Southwell Minster has for serving the diocese, county and region as well as our local town and parish.

This is not only a special opportunity to be part of the Cathedral but also to shape its future growth and impact in sharing God’s love shown in Jesus Christ. The Minster marks its 140th anniversary as a Cathedral this year. We are refreshing our vision focusing on welcome, faith and community believing we are uniquely placed to reach out and share this remarkable church and the spiritual life that inspires and sustains it.

The briefing pack gives you more detailed information. If you would value an exploratory conversation, please be in touch, even if you are tentative and unsure if this is for you – it may well be! We are especially seeking to broaden diversity on all our committees, and we encourage interest from women candidates and/or people from UK Minority Ethnic communities. We are keen to hear different voices and release new ideas.

In the seven years I have served as Dean, I am more excited than ever about the vital role and purpose given to cathedrals in the wider mission and ministry of the Church of England. I hope you will be drawn to explore with us the adventure ahead under God.

With my prayers and best wishes as you consider if this is for you.

Nicola Sullivan
Dean of Southwell



Click to download the Chapter Application Form
Click to download the Committee Application Form