Southwell Minster Services Calendar

Services Today


  • 8.30 Morning Prayer : St Oswald's Chapel
  • 9.00 Holy Communion : St Oswald's Chapel
  • 5.30 Evening Prayer : The Quire

Services Tomorrow

  • The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

  • 7.40 The Litany : The Quire
  • 8.00 Holy Communion : The Quire
  • 10.00 Cathedral Eucharist : Minster & live-streamed online
  • 3.30 Evening Prayer with Hymns : Minster & live-streamed online

Southwell Minster Services Calendar

Follow the service links for full details, including options to watch and participate online.

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Dark Green indicates services in the Minster
Blue indicates services in the Minster  and live-streamed online.
Gold indicates special services
Beige indicates services in Sacrista Chapel and online
Yellow indicates family-friendly services