The Leaves of Southwell Project presents:
a talk by Tamsin Greaves
19 October 2021
2pm on Microsoft Teams
Join Tamsin Greaves as she discusses her MA Museum and Heritage Development project ‘The Real Thing’ centred upon ‘The Leaves of Southwell’. In this exciting project, Tamsin explores the importance for young people to have the opportunity to visit and experience their local art and culture in ‘real life’ with the case study of introducing our naturalistic 13th century leaves carvings to Newark secondary school pupils.
Tamsin Greaves
Tamsin studied Fine Art at Brighton Art College, making organic forms using aluminium and rubber. She then moved to the French Alps where she taught English and returned to the UK to complete a PGCE. She has taught Art & Design in secondary schools for 25 years before beginning an M.A. in Museums and Heritage Development at Nottingham Trent University in 2019.
In normal times we would hold this talk in person and make a small charge. In the current circumstances, we are inviting you to make a donation, if you are able to. Donations from the talk series will directly support the improved accessibility and interpretation of the Palace Gardens, as well as increase the variety of plants, flowers and shrubs that we can plant in the next phase of the Leaves project.
You will be able to make a donation to The Leaves Project from the confirmation page, once you have completed the booking form below.
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