Southwell Minster’s Chorister Programme costs over £42,000 a year. That includes the cost of singing lessons, instrumental coaching, safeguarding supervision, chaperoning, and robes. If you are passionate about helping to promote music and all the benefits it brings to young people, please support us today.

The simple puzzle that appears when you press the Donate button is to protect you and us from security breaches.

How your donation will support the Choristers

  • £25 pays for a chorister’s music lessons for a week
  • £50 fully supports one chorister for a week
  • £75 provides a new chorister’s cassock
  • £150 pays for one chorister’s singing lessons for a term
  • £200 supports all the choristers for a day
  • £500 pays for an exciting day out for all the choristers
  • £1,000 covers music tuition for two children for a year
  • £1,200 pays for Chorister Teas for a whole term

Create a Chorister Bursary: £1,500 p.a.

A Bursary supports the full cost of a Chorister for one year. Bursary sponsors will be invited to present a certificate to the Chorister they are supporting at a special Chorister Celebration in October. You are welcome to sponsor a Bursary anonymously.

In anticipation of your gift – THANK YOU!

Your Donation
Gift Aid: boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference. We would be massively thankful if you are able to gift aid your donation, as it means we will receive an extra 25p from the Government per £1 donation made, at no extra cost to yourself.
