Lay Clerks
The Lay Clerks of the Cathedral Choir are the six professional adult singers who provide the alto, tenor and bass parts. Although there are only six daily singers, there are also six Auxiliary Lay Clerks who augment the team for performance of larger-scale music or for special occasions. Lay Clerks attend rehearsals immediately before services, and are required to be good sight-readers who are vocally strong and musically flexible.
Our current Lay Clerks come from many different singing backgrounds, and cover a broad age-range. Despite the daily services and the busyness of the Music Department, a Lay Clerk’s job is not full-time. Our team hold a variety of other employments ranging from singing teacher to civil celebrant – jobs which allow them to be present at the Minster in time for services. They are a socially cohesive group who thrive on team spirit and positive co-operation.
As well as singing with the Boy and Girl Choristers at Minster services, the Lay Clerks take part in broadcasts for television and radio, make recordings, and tour internationally. In addition, they find time to perform as a close-harmony group, allowing them to explore the lighter side of the repertoire and to perform for different audiences. The Lay Clerks are also the backbone of the Minster Consort, an all-professional choir convened for weddings, funerals, and other special services as requested when the Choristers are unavailable.
Deputy Singers
We are always on the look-out for good deputy singers to cover those times when a Lay Clerk may need to be absent, or as part of the Minster Consort. If you are a confident sight-reader with a strong voice and good range who might be interested in singing in Southwell Minster from time to time, please contact Paul Provost on to arrange for an audition.